Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Detox Kale Avocado Salad

After a fun filled weekend of not eating the healthiest meals I could, I like to eat as clean as possible during the week so I can get my system back to normal and my body packed with nutrients. This salad uses avocado and lemon to coat your Kale leaves, meaning you only need a tiny bit of dressing. Kale is the new wonder lettuce- having more Iron then Beef, is a great source of Fiber, and has lots of Cancer fighting Vitamin K. Avocados are an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fat that is easily burned for energy!

Detox Avocado Kale Salad:
8 large stalks of Kale (kale leaf pulled of the vein) use about 4 leaves per person.
1 ripe avocado
1/2 red onion caramelized
1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes separated from oil in jar
1 small lemon
2 tablespoons balsamic dressing

Salt, pepper, Italian seasoning

In a large bowl tear up your Kale. Make sure you remove it from the large, tough stem going through the center of the leaf!

Cut your avocado in half and into cubes. Add to your Kale.

Cut your lemon in half and squeeze the juice to your salad.

Vigorously stir, mushing up the avocado to coat your leaves. It should not still be cubes when you are done! Put your back into it!

In a small pan add a small amount of Olive Oil , get the pan nice and hot and add your red onion. Let it cook on medium high heat until it is golden brown.

Add your sun dried tomatoes, pepper and Italian seasoning . Toss.

Add your red onions and 2 tablespoons of your balsamic dressing and toss.

Cut your second half of avocado into cubes and add to the salad. You want these to stay whole, so toss gently. Add a small amount of salt to the avocado.



If you need me I will be watching my cats try to figure out the new cat feeder ball I got them that is suppose to entertain them and help them lose weight. They have no idea what to do with it, but I'm entertained. 
Augustus and Imogen beginning their own Detox Supper.


  1. i need to make this! Henry gets kale in his smoothies:)
    btw, i totally bought your fave taco shells and an eggplant last night bc of you!

  2. That is so great you are introducing Henry to Green Smoothies so young! That is awesome you got the Taco Shells! Seriously tell me if the do not rock your world. La Tiara also makes Salsa that is really inexpensive and delicious too!! Thanks for reading Kate!


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