Saturday, January 11, 2014

Feel Fab Fast- Fauxmosa

 Champagne makes most things better, but sometimes it is 2pm on a Tuesday and you would be creeping into Support Group status if you sat around throwing back the bubbly all day. In my opinion it is completely acceptable to have a Champagne glass in your hand at all times, just as long as their isn't actual booze in it before the PC drinking hour has chimed.

 Champagne makes most things better but so do Champagne Glasses. There is something about about walking around with this tall skinny gorgeous glass in my hand that makes me feel like there is most likely a hoard of paparazzi waiting outside my door the minute I set out to get cat litter.

 Vitamin C is good but OJ actually isn't super great for you. Lots of calories and carbs. That is why I do half OJ and Half Club Soda. So I have a bubbly Vitamin C packed bev in a glamorous glass and I am feeling F-ing fabulous even if my date asked my friend out while I was in the bathroom.  

Enjoy Dolls!


Shiny Sparkling Champagne Glass
Club Soda

Mix, Sign Autographs,  Feel Fab.


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