Friday, May 3, 2013

Portabella Steak Salad

Portabella mushrooms are by far one of my favorite go to meals. They are cheap ($3.99 for 2 caps) low carb, a great source of Iron and they will absorb pretty much any sauce or seasoning you flavor them with.
For the portabella flavoring I clean the caps and put them face up in a 9x10 baking pan. I liberally drizzle Extra Olive Oil inside. I them drizzle a good 2 tablespoons of Worshershire sauce on top of this. This gives them a fantastic steak flavor. Season with salt,pepper, garlic powder and Italian spices. Bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. About half way through I sprinkle mine with some blue cheese and allow that to melt.
Put some spinach on a plate and when your portabella is done cooking put it on top of the spinach. All the delicious juices from the EVOO and the Worshershire will cover the spinach leaves so you don't need dressing! These are also amazing with a side of Low Carb Cauliflower Faux Potatoes!

 Go here for my Cauliflower Faux Potato recipe!

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