Monday, May 20, 2013

Workweek Breakfast of Champions:The Green Smoothie

This smoothie is super fast, delicious, and I can make it in my $25 dollar blender from Walmart. Nothing fancy needed here broke sistas! You can add to this some great ingredients or keep to the Original recipe that is delicious even to people who are terrified by the words "Green Smoothie". I don't need fruit in mine, but strawberries are my favorite fruit addition if you need.

In a blender add:
2 handfuls raw spinach
1 half ripe diced avocado
2 cups Almond milk (I use unsweetened Vanilla)
Some good shakes cinnamon
2 tablespoons honey

Optional ingredients to make this pretty much superhero food:
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
2 tablespoons Flaxseed oil
1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 stalks kale pulled off the thick vein

Blend well and enjoy!!

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